
This website does not contain any investment, trading, or financial advice. Please do your research and consult your financial and legal advisors before purchasing this token or participating in any way with FINU. By purchasing the FINU Token, you agree that the FINU team is not legally or financially responsible for any losses or taxes incurred. You also agree to hold the team harmless for any losses or taxes incurred. By purchasing the FINU Token, you agree that all products from the FINU team, such as its token or its NFTs, are not securities and are not investments. The FINU team communicates no expectations of gains and no expectations of anything else. The FINU team does not recommend that you buy, sell, stake, or hold any cryptocurrency, including FINU. Placing your FINU or ETH, or any other asset into an application created by the FINU Team could and may result in the permanent loss of all your funds. The FINU Token team is not liable for any losses incurred for any reason, including misuse or bugs in our code. We provide no guarantee that the application will work. We provide no way to recover funds if they are lost for any reason, including a bug or error in our code. You use these applications at your own risk. We provide no guarantee of returns in any application created by our team. By using any of these applications built by our team, you acknowledge that you are using them at your own risk. The FINU team accepts no responsibility for any missing or incorrect information in its communications. All information is provided “as is.” You acknowledge that you are using all information available from our team at your own risk. All dates provided by the FINU team are “as is'' and are not guarantees or promises. Our team cannot in any way enforce region-specific participation with our product since it is part of the Ethereum blockchain. It cannot be censored. If the region where you live has laws that prohibit purchasing or participating with FINU, please obey those laws.